Here are some frequently asked questions.

How much does it cost?  Where is it?  What time?  What should I wear?
All of these questions are answered on the “Dance Info” page.

What’s the deal with your shoe policy?
Our host, the First Church in Cambridge, has asked us not to allow hard-soled shoes on the floor.  Your shoes must be either rubber-soled or soft-soled (e.g. suede leather) and they must be clean.  (Please don’t dance in the shoes you wore out on the street.)  Hard leather soles are not permitted.  This is in order to preserve the finish on the hardwood floor.

In order to keep MNP going in our current space, which we love, all attendees must abide by the shoe policy.  If you don’t bring shoes that meet these requirements, we’ll have to ask you to dance in your socks!  Thanks for your understanding.

Do I need a partner?
Nope.  Swing is a social dance, which means that everyone may ask everyone else to dance, and there are no official “partners.”  Asking someone to dance or being asked to dance is often the first time you might be meeting the other person!  Don’t worry — we’re all very friendly. 

I thought this was a “practice?”
Well, back when we started in 1999, Monday Night Practice was just a group of dancers getting together to work on their Lindy Hop!  Interest grew and grew, and eventually it became more of a regular social dance and the name kinda stuck.  We still like to keep the informal vibe, though, and you should feel free to grab a partner and ask them to work on something with you in the corner!  Click to learn more about our history.

How old do you have to be to attend?
Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.  There’s no upper age limit.  We have dancers from their teens into their 60s and beyond!  Most attendees tend to be in their 20s and 30s.

Is there live music?
Nope. Our DJs provide you with swing music for your dancing enjoyment.

What about alcohol?
Nope.  Our dance is in a church, so no booze is allowed.  There is a water fountain, and we encourage you to bring your own bottle of water.

Where can I learn to swing dance?
Check out Boston Lindy Hop (they run the Beginner lesson that takes place immediately before the dance), or head on over to Hop to the Beat the folks that run the Beantown Camp.

Where else can I go swing dancing in Boston?
There is a fairly comprehensive list of Boston swing dance events here:  www.havetodance.com

Lindy Hop?  East Coast?  West Coast?  I’m confused.
Most MNP attendees dance either Lindy Hop or East Coast swing or both.  These two dances are done to the same type of music, which is what we play:  classic swinging jazz.  West Coast Swing is danced to more contemporary music.  If you’d like to know more, ask us when you come in!

Can I throw my partner over my head and do impressive aerial feats
Nope.  Aerials are not allowed at MNP, for the safety of everyone.

You didn’t answer my question.
No problem — email us at mondaynightpractice@gmail.com and we’ll be happy to help.  Or, talk to one of the friendly MNP volunteers.